Source code for astwro.sampledata

Module contains sample FITS file and other daophot files for testing
[docs]def fits_image(): """path of FITS image of NGC6871""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.fits')
[docs]def coo_file(): """path of `coo` file for :py:func:`fits_image()`""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.coo')
[docs]def lst_file(): """path of `lst` file for :py:func:`fits_image()` """ return __sampledata('NGC6871.lst')
[docs]def ap_file(): """path of `ap` file for :py:func:`fits_image()`""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.ap')
[docs]def psf_file(): """path of `psf` file for :py:func:`fits_image()`""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.psf')
[docs]def als_file(): """path of `als` file for :py:func:`fits_image()`""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.als')
[docs]def nei_file(): """path of `nei` file for :py:func:`fits_image()`""" return __sampledata('NGC6871.nei')
def err_file(): return __sampledata('i.err')
[docs]def head_file(): """patch of sample ASCII fits header file""" return __sampledata('astrometry.head')
def sampledata_dir(): import os return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def __sampledata(filename): import os return os.path.join(sampledata_dir(), filename)