Source code for astwro.pydaophot.OutputProviders

# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import re
from astwro.exttools.output_processors import OutputBufferedProcessor
import astwro.starlist
from astwro.starlist import read_dao_file

__metaclass__ = type

# TODO: check for failure on all providers (raise_if_error)

# Daophot regexps:
#     for 'Command:' like
r_command = re.compile(r'Command:')
#     for 'Picture size:   1250  1150' like
r_pic_size = re.compile(r'(?<=Picture size:\s\s\s)([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)')
#     for options listing like FWHM OF OBJECT =     5.00   THRESHOLD (in sigmas) =     3.50
r_opt = re.compile(r'\b(\w\w)[^=\n]*=\s*(\-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]*)')
#     for SKy:
t_sky = (
    r'Sky mode and standard deviation = +(-?\d+\.\d*) +(-?\d+\.\d*)\n+ +'
    r'Clipped mean and median = +(-?\d+\.\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.\d*)\n +'
    r'Number of pixels used \(after clip\) = (\d*),?(\d+)')
r_sky = re.compile(t_sky)
#     for FInd:
t_find = t_sky + (
    r'\n +Relative error = +(-?\d+\.\d*)(?:\n.*)+\s'
    r'(\d+) stars'
r_find = re.compile(t_find)
# r_find = re.compile(
#     r'Sky mode and standard deviation = +(-?\d+\.\d*) +(-?\d+\.\d*)\n+ +'
#     r'Clipped mean and median = +(-?\d+\.\d*)\s+(-?\d+\.\d*)\n +'
#     r'Number of pixels used \(after clip\) = (\d*),?(\d+)\n +'
#     r'Relative error = +(-?\d+\.\d*)(?:\n.*)+\s'
#     r'(\d+) stars'
# )
#    for PHotometry
r_phot = re.compile(r'Estimated magnitude limit \(Aperture 1\): +(-?\d+\.\d*) +\+- +(-?\d+\.\d*) +per star')
#    for PIck
r_pick = re.compile(r'(\d+) +suitable candidates')
#    for PSf
r_psf = re.compile(r'Chi {4}Parameters...\n>* +(-?\d+\.\d*) +(-?\d+\.\d*) +(-?\d+\.\d*)')
r_psf_errors = re.compile(r' (\d+) +(\d+.\d+) ([ ?*])')
r_psf_failed_to_converge = re.compile(r'Failed to converge')
#    for GRoup
r_grp = re.compile(r'(\d+) +(\d+)')
r_grp_summ = re.compile(r'(\d+) +stars in (\d+) +groups.')

# Allstar regexp
r_alls_separator = re.compile(r'Input image name:')
r_alls_opt = r_opt
r_alls = re.compile(r'(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+) +(\d+).*\n')


class DaophotCommandOutputProcessor(OutputBufferedProcessor):

    def _is_last_one(self, line, counter):
        return is not None

[docs]class DPOP_ATtach(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `ATTACH` daophot command""" @property def picture_size(self): """tuple with (x,y) size of pic returned by 'ATTACH' """ buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is None: raise Exception('daophot failed to attach image file. Output buffer:\n ' + buf) return int(, int(
[docs] def raise_if_error(self): _ = self.picture_size
[docs]class DPOP_OPtion(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `OPTION` daophot command, or initial daophot options""" __options = None @property def options(self): """Dictionary of options: XX: 'nnn.dd' keys are two letter option names values are strings""" if self.__options is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = dict(r_opt.findall(buf)) if 'RE' not in match: # RE not found - sth wrong, found, suppose is OK raise Exception('daophot failed to present options. Output buffer:\n ' + buf) self.__options = match return self.__options
[docs] def get_option(self, key): """single option""" return float(self.options[key[:2].upper()])
[docs] def raise_if_error(self): _ = self.options
[docs]class DpOp_SKy(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `SKY` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None): self.regexp = r_sky self.__data = None super(DpOp_SKy, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def data(self): if self.__data is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is None: raise Exception('daophot SKY or FIND output doesnt match regexp for that command:' ' error (or regexp is wrong). Output buffer:\n ' + buf) self.__data = match.groups() return self.__data @property def sky(self): """Sky estimation""" return float([0]) @property def skydev(self): """Standart deviation of :var sky""" return float([1]) @property def mean(self): """Mean of image""" return float([2]) @property def median(self): """Median of image""" return float([3]) @property def pixels(self): """Number of analyzed pixels""" t =[4] if t is None or t == '': t = 0 else: t = int(t) * 1000 return int([5]) + t
[docs]class DpOp_FInd(DpOp_SKy): """Results of `FIND` daophot command (extends SKY)""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, starlist_file=None): self.__starlist = None self.starlist_file = starlist_file #: Patch to output file with found stars super(DpOp_FInd, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) self.regexp = r_find @property def found_starlist(self): """StarList with found stars""" if self.__starlist is None and self.starlist_file: self.__starlist = read_dao_file(self.starlist_file) return self.__starlist @property def err(self): """Error estimation""" return float([6]) @property def stars(self): """Number of found stars""" return int([7])
[docs]class DpOp_PHotometry(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `PHOTOMETRY` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, photometry_file=None): self.__data = None self.__starlist = None self.photometry_file = photometry_file #: Patch to output file with aperture photometry super(DpOp_PHotometry, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def data(self): if self.__data is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is None: raise Exception('daophot PH output doesnt match regexp r_phot:' ' error (or regexp is wrong). Output buffer:\n ' + buf) self.__data = match.groups() return self.__data @property def mag_limit(self): return float([0]) @property def mag_err(self): return float([1]) @property def photometry_starlist(self): """StarList with photometry :rtype: astwro.starlist.StarList """ if self.__starlist is None and self.photometry_file: self.__starlist = read_dao_file(self.photometry_file) return self.__starlist
[docs]class DpOp_PIck(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `PICK` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, picked_stars_file=None): self.__stars = None self.__starlist = None self.picked_stars_file = picked_stars_file #: Patch to output file with picked stars super(DpOp_PIck, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def stars(self): """Number of picked stars""" if self.__stars is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is None: raise Exception('daophot PIck output doesnt match regexp r_pick:' ' error (or regexp is wrong). Output buffer:\n ' + buf) self.__stars = int( return self.__stars @property def picked_starlist(self): """StarList with picked stars""" if self.__starlist is None and self.picked_stars_file: self.__starlist = read_dao_file(self.picked_stars_file) return self.__starlist
[docs]class DpOp_PSf(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `PSF` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, psf_file=None, nei_file=None, err_file=None): self.__data = None self.__errors = None self.__neilist = None self.psf_file = psf_file #: Patch to output file with PSF function self.nei_file = nei_file #: Patch to output neighbours file self.err_file = err_file #: Patch to output errors file super(DpOp_PSf, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def nei_starlist(self): """StarList with neighbours stars""" if self.__neilist is None and self.nei_file: self.__neilist = read_dao_file(self.nei_file) return self.__neilist @property def converged(self): """False if daophot PSF routine does not produced result, e.g. 'Failed to converge'""" return self.__get_data() is not None @property def errors(self): """StarList (pandas.DataFrame) of PSF stars with errors and flags ('?', '*' or ' ') This information is identical to i.err file, but obtained directly from daophot output""" if self.__errors is None: buf = self.get_buffer() lst = [(int(star), float(err), flag) for star, err, flag in r_psf_errors.findall(buf)] sl = astwro.starlist.StarList(lst) sl.columns = ['id','psf_err','flag'] sl.index = self.__errors = sl return self.__errors @property def data(self): d = self.__get_data() if d is None: raise Exception('daophot PSF output doesnt match regexp r_psf:' ' PDF failed to converge?. Output buffer:\n ' + self.get_buffer()) return d @property def chi(self): """Chi error estimation""" return float([0]) @property def hwhm_xy(self): """tuple (x,y) of halfwidth's of PSF function""" return float([1]), float([2]) def __get_data(self): if self.__data is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is not None: self.__data = match.groups() return self.__data
[docs] def raise_if_error(self): if not self.converged: raise Exception('PSF not converged')
[docs]class DpOp_SUbstar(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `SUBSTAR` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, subtracted_image_file=None): self.subtracted_image_file = subtracted_image_file #: Patch to output fits image super(DpOp_SUbstar, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain)
[docs]class DpOp_GRoup(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): """Results of `GROUP` daophot command""" def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, groups_file=None): self.__data = None self.__grouphist = None self.groups_file = groups_file #: Patch to output file with groups super(DpOp_GRoup, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def groups_histogram(self): """List of tuples: (size_of_group, number_of_groups)""" if self.__grouphist is None: buf = self.get_buffer() self.__grouphist = [(int(size), int(count)) for size, count in r_grp.findall(buf)] return self.__grouphist @property def data(self): if self.__data is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = if match is not None: self.__data = match.groups() return self.__data @property def stars(self): """Number of grouped stars reported by daophot `GROUP` command""" return float([0]) @property def groups(self): """Number of groups""" return float([1])
class DpOp_NEda(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, neda_file=None): self.neda_file = neda_file #: Patch to output file with NEDA photometry self.__nedalist = None super(DpOp_NEda, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) @property def neda_starlist(self): """stars list with neda photometry""" if self.__nedalist is None and self.neda_file: self.__nedalist = read_dao_file(self.neda_file) return self.__nedalist class DpOp_SOrt(DaophotCommandOutputProcessor): pass # ALLSTARS class AsOp_opt(OutputBufferedProcessor): __options = None def _is_last_one(self, line, counter): return is not None @property def options(self): """returns dictionary of options: XX: 'nnn.dd' keys are two letter option names values are strings""" if self.__options is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = dict(r_opt.findall(buf)) if 'WA' not in match: # WA not found - sth wrong, found, suppose is OK raise Exception('allstar failed to present options. Output buffer:\n ' + buf) self.__options = match return self.__options def get_option(self, key): return float(self.options[key[:2].upper()]) def raise_if_error(self): _ = self.options class AsOp_result(OutputBufferedProcessor): def __init__(self, prev_in_chain=None, profile_photometry_file=None, subtracted_image_file=None): self.__stars = None self.__als_stars = None self.profile_photometry_file = profile_photometry_file self.subtracted_image_file = subtracted_image_file super(AsOp_result, self).__init__(prev_in_chain=prev_in_chain) def _is_last_one(self, line, counter): return False @property def als_stars(self): # type: () -> {astwro.starlist.StarList} """StarList of stars with profile photometry results """ if self.__als_stars is None and self.profile_photometry_file: self.__als_stars = read_dao_file(self.profile_photometry_file) return self.__als_stars @property def stars_no(self): # type: () -> (int,int) """tuple: (converged_stars, disappeared_stars)""" if self.__stars is None: buf = self.get_buffer() match = r_alls.findall(buf) if len(match) < 1: self.__stars = 0, 0 # error or sth else: res = match[-1][-2:] # last occurrence, two last values self.__stars = int(res[1]), int(res[0]) return self.__stars def raise_if_error(self): if not self.stars_no[0] > 0: raise Exception('allstar: No stars')