
The astwro.pydaophot module provides an interface to the command line tools of Peter B. Stetson daophot and allstar


pydaophot.cnf configuration file

The astwro.pydaophot Module uses configuration file pydaophot.cfg.

On import, pydaophot is looking for pydaophot.cfg in the following directories:


and reads found files in that order, overwriting repeat parameters.

The default configuration file is included in the module: [astwro path]/pydaophot/config/pydaophot.cfg and can be used as template for creating user’s own ones.

Default configuration – default pydaophot.cfg file content:

# Patches (optional) and names of executables
daophot = sdaophot
allstar = sallstar

# Location of standard config files
# daophot.opt =
# allstar.opt =
# photo.opt =

Daphot/Allstar opt-configuration files

The module provides various options to indicate the location of following daophot configuration files:


Routines searches the following locations in the order provided:

  • parameter – constructors of Daophot and Allstar objects and some routines, have parameters to indicate the location of opt-files (e.g. the daophotopt parameter of the Daophot constructor). Also script’s command line parameters (e.g. gapick --photo-opt) are passed as arguments to appropriate routines.
  • working directory – if working directory of script process (not to be confused with Daophot object’s working directory - runner directory!) contains opt file, this file will be used.
  • pydaophot.cfg – the module configuration file contains section [files] where location of the opt files can be specified.
  • default files – if module cannot locate opt file in locations below, uses the default file located in [astwro path]/pydaophot/config.

Note, that the presented order of searching means, that e.g. the working directory daophot.opt file have priority over another one provided in pydaophot.cfg.

Files and directories


To distinguish between the working directory of the python program and the working directory of the underlying daophot process, the following naming convention is used:

  • runner directory is the working directory of the underlying daophot process. This directory accessible by the Daophot[Allstar].dir.path property.
  • working directory is current working directory of python program as obtained by os.getcwd().

Runner directory

Each Daophot [1] object maintains it’s own runner directory.
If directory is not specified in constructor, the temporary directory is created.
[1]All information below applies to Allstar as well

The runner directory is accessible by the Daophot[Allstar].dir.path property.

Daophot’s runner directory is the working directory of daophot program.

Specifying the file patch

For all command methods (FInd(), PHotometry(), …) parameters that refer to files follow the rules described below. Understanding those rules is especially important to distinguish whether the file in runner directory or another directory is addressed.

  1. All filenames without path prefix, addresses the runner directory files.
  2. Files with absolute path prefix (that is, starting with /), are… absolute addressed files as expected.
  3. Files with relative (but not empty) path prefix, are relative to working directory.
  4. Files with patch prefix starting with ~ (tilde) are relative to the user’s home directory.

In other words, file pathnames are fairly standard and reltive to script working directory, with exception than lack of path prefix indicates file in runner directory.

During operation, all files has representation in runner directory, and underlying daophot processes only works on the files in that directory. It’s implemented by creating symbolic link in runner directory for the input files and copying the output files from runner directory into destination directories if such external output file is requested.

Runner directory file names

To avoid filename conflicts, the name of link/file in the runner directory created for external file consists of:

  • hash of absolute pathname and
  • original filename.

Input files

Due to the limited length of directory paths maintained by the daophot program, for all filepaths provided to Daophot object, the symbolic link is created in runner directory, and this link is given to the daophot process instead of the original filename. Existing symbolic links of the same name are overwritten (because name is generated from absolute patch it’s not a problem at all).

Output files

For output files, when the filename contains path component, daophot is instructed to output into the runner directory file, then, after daophot terminates, this file(s) are copied to the path specified by the user.


The output files, existing in runner directory, are deleted on queuing command. This can lead to unexpected behaviour in "batch" mode, when mixing input/output files. Consider following example:

d.mode = 'batch'
d.GRoup(psf_file='i.psf')  # preexisting i.psf (input)
d.PSf(psf_file='i.psf')    # deletes i.psf  (output)                    # GROUP will miss i.psf and fail


In the batch mode, the copying occurs after execution of all commands in queue. This can have consequences when using the external file as an output of one command and input of further one. Usually everything should be fine, since the filenames generated for runner directory are deterministic as described above.

In the following example

from astwro.pydaophot import Daophot
from astwro.sampledata import fits_image

d = Daophot(image=fits_image())
d.mode = 'batch'

FInd() command instruct daophot to output into file in runner directory. PHotometry() command will read file from runner directory. After all will be copied to ~/my.coo. Sometimes it’s easier to work explicitly on the files inside the runner directory :

from astwro.pydaophot import Daophot
from astwro.sampledata import fits_image

d = Daophot(image=fits_image(), batch=True)
d.FInd()        # equiv: d.FInd(starlist_file='i.coo')
d.PHotometry()  # equiv: d.PHotometry(starlist_file='i.coo')
d.copy_from_runner_dir('i.coo', '~/my.coo')

User can also get patch to this file without copying


or, without specifying names at all


Operation modes - batch and parallel execution

The execution regime of daophot commands depends on Daophot’s operation mode (this applies to any runner subclassing the Runner class).

Operation modes

Property Daophot.mode (type: str) indicates operation mode:

  • "normal" (default) - Every command method (FInd(), PHotometry(), …) blocks until the underlying daophot process completes processing. That is intuitive behaviour. Every command is executed by brand new daophot process, which terminates once the command execution is finished.

    The ATtach() and OPtions() commands are not available in "normal" mode. Instead use set_image() and set_options() methods that enqueue the appropriate daophot commands for execution before any other command.

  • "bath" - The command methods does not trigger the underlying daophot process. Instead, commands are stored in the internal commands queue and are send to daophot for execution together on explicitly called run() method. All commands are executed one by one in a single daophot process, which terminates after completion of the last command.

Asynchronous execution

The "bath" operation mode allows asynchronous execution by passing wait=False to the run(wait=False) method. In that case, the run() method returns immediately after passing the commands to the underlying daophot process. Further execution of the Python program runs in parallel to the daophot process.

The user can check if daophot is still processing commands by testing the Daophot.running property.

Setting image and options

The daophot options and the attached image are the parameters that persist in `daophot session. In "normal" mode each command is executed in a separate daophot process which terminates after execution of the command, so the configuration options and the attached image must be set before each command execution.

The ATtach() and OPtions() methods enqueues ATTACH and OPTION commands like any other command methods and are useless in “normal”. The set_image() and set_options() methods should be used instead, which enqueue the appropriate daophot commands for execution before every command.


The astwro.pydaophot uses the logger (from the logging module) named "pydaophot" and it’s child loggers.